A Google Earth Tour In Scotland – The Orkney Islands


Purchase A Virtual Tour of the the Orkney Islands Scotland Using Google Maps

Wylcome to the Orkney Islands!

This guided virtual tour is a scavenger hunt of sorts where your students will wander the streets of the Orkney Islands, a series of islands way up at the top of Scotland, to find specific objects and bits of information given by the worksheet's clues. Using Google Maps Street View, your students will love wandering the streets, getting a feeling for the area through its signage, people, food and much more. This virtual tour for students is a wonderful experiential journey sure to introduce your class to Scottish culture in a fun and novel way. Check out a preview of the lesson!

Engage your students with a Google virtual tour today, the perfect virtual field trip for your distance learning class!

The Worksheet and Answer Key for this Online Tour comes in two formats: Microsoft Word and PDF.

Feel free to upload this to Google Docs / Google Classroom to share with your class!

Thenk ye uncoly!

Difficulty Level: 4/10 (This is a pretty easy hunt)