Mobile Permission Slips for Clubs

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Mobile Permission Slips for Clubs

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group of kids camping in the woods on club trip

Mobile Permission Slips for Clubs

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Good News For Clubs, Camps + Groups for Kids!


If you are an educator or leader of a community group, such as church youth groups, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or the Boys and Girls Club, you know the hassle permission slips can cause.

There are times when slips are returned without being filled out or never turned in at all. While this may not seem like a big deal, it is often the cause of delays.

How can I eliminate the delay in getting forms and money? To help circumvent the delay in any of your events you will want to check out the concept of Mobile Permissions. This innovative website allows you to send out digital permission slips as well as collect any necessary fees associated with the trip or event. Not only is it an online platform, but it is secure and user friendly, with no apps to download.

By sending parents a simple text message, they can electronically sign the digital permission slip and pay from their phone or device. This eliminates the countless copies of permission slips as well as the many reminders you need to give.


Who Can Benefit from Mobile Permission Slips?

It is easy to associate permission slips with educators because of field trips and other school events that require them, they are not the exclusive users of permission slips.

Many other organizations use permission slips or sign-up forms or sorts. Some activities that may benefit from mobile permission slips are:

  • Boys and Girls Club of America community service events
  • YMCA after school care, child care or camps
  • Boy Scouts camping trips
  • Girl Scouts visits to community centers
  • Service Clubs and Organizations volunteering
  • Big Brothers and Big Sisters taking their charges on outings or to events
  • Church Youth Groups doing mission work in the community

Not only does the mobile capability eliminate the need for paper, but it also speeds up obtaining a signature from families.


Are Mobile Forms Just for Permission?

Many field trips or service projects have fees attached to them. Surely you can remember all the times you received envelopes with checks and money for trips, along with all the receipts you had to prepare.

When groups like the Boys Scouts or Girl Scouts choose to use Mobile Permissions, the hassle of dealing with cash is eliminated because now families can pay whatever fee is required, directly from the site when they sign their child’s permission slip.

How is this helpful?

It is common for people to not carry cash with them anymore, which makes sending in a few dollars here and there for field trips a nuisance. By allowing families to pay any associated fees online, there is a much higher probability of receiving the necessary fees in a timely fashion.

The permission slip is sent directly through a link, which means your families will not have to worry about downloading an app to access and use the form. This is truly a hassle-free way to get the forms and payments you need quickly.

This type of service is especially helpful for groups like the YMCA daycares or YMCA camps to move all their parent permission forms and camp applications and other camp forms to be digital and easier to track.


Are Mobile Permission Slips Safe?

If you are in any organization like the Boys and Girls Club of America that works with minors, you have the mission to protect their safety, which includes the information on permission slips. Using mobile permission slips is a great way to add a layer of protection for your students because there are no papers to get lost with personal information on them.

When you use our mobile permissions service, parents are required to sign, providing their real signature for documents that can easily be downloaded in PDF format.  Our service also allows parents the opportunity to print their copy if they wish to do so.

Final Thoughts

Field trips and service projects are happening all the time in community organizations.

Permission slips are being printed, handed out, and lost in what seems to be an endless cycle. You have the opportunity to break the vicious permission slip cycle by exploring the concept of Mobile Permissions.


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