Permission Letter for Consent for Photographs and Video Footage

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We would want to request your permission for capturing photographs of your child during the Concert. These photographs and video footage will be uploaded on the School’s website for the purposes of, promoting the school as well as encouraging students to avail of public education.

If you permit, the school may publish photographs of your child in a variety of ways. It may include newsletters (online as well as printed copies), School’s Facebook page, and other social media platforms. Consequently, there are third parties that would be able to view the photographs. By signing the attached form below, it means that you agree to the following:

  1. The school can publish photographs and video footage of my child as many times as it requires in the ways mentioned above.
  2. Your child’s photograph may be reproduced either in color or in black and white.
  3. The school will not use your child’s photograph or samples of your child’s work for any purpose other than for the education of students or other illegal activities.


Any photographs taken by the school will be kept for no longer than the necessary period considering the purposes already mentioned. It will be stored and disposed of securely. Most importantly, we will make every effort to protect the identity of your child.

However, this does not mean that the School will absolutely guarantee that your child will not be identified from the photograph or work through some other means by other people. If you agree to permit the school to take photographs of your child, and to publish photographs of your child, in the manner detailed above, please complete the consent form and return it asap.



(This consent, if signed, will remain effective until you advise the school otherwise.) 

I hereby agree, subject to the conditions set out above, to the taking of photographs and video footage of %child_first_name% %child_last_name% during the concert, to be used by the school in educating the students and promoting the school. I also agree with the publication of photographs of my child. I will notify the school if I decide to withdraw this consent.